20. December 2022 Florian Meyer passes doctoral examinationOn December, 20th 2022, Florian Meyer successfully completed his final doctoral examination. In his dissertation "Adaptive Multi-hop networks for industrial applications with dynamically changing traffic", Mr. Meyer analyzes techniques for adaptive multi-hop networks in the IIoT with respect to time-varying and dynamically changing traffic. He proposes several new techniques to increase adaptability for the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer. The results are validated through simulations, hardware experiments, and analytical models. Florian Meyer applied novel methods such as machine learning and quantum annealing to the field of wireless communication. The chairman of the examination board, Prof. Kölpin, as well as the reviewers Professor Timm-Giel and Professor Turau and all members of the Institute of Telematics congratulate Mr. Meyer and wish him all the best for his professional career. details
12. December 2022 Combinatorial Reconfiguration Challenge 2022The Telematics Team successfully participated in the first Combinatorial Reconfiguration Challenge of Tohoku University and Kobe University in Japan. Combinatorial Reconfiguration is a novel algorithmic concept that provides mathematical models and analysis for "transformations over state spaces." The competition was sponsored by the KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (Japan). Several teams from Europe and Asian contributed solutions to different optimization problems. The competition was organized in six categories. The Telematics Team (Prof. Volker Turau and Christoph Weyer) did win two of the categories and came in second in another category. The award ceremony was part of this year's ICALP conference held in Paris, France, on July 4-8, 2022. details
20. October 2020 Best paper award at AdHoc-Now 2020The best Paper award at the 19th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-Now 2020) has been awarded to Florian Meyer, Ivonne Andrea Mantilla González and Volker Turau for their contribution "New CAP Reduction Mechanisms for IEEE 802.15.4 DSME to Support Fluctuating Traffic in IoT Systems". The award was received during the closing remarks of the online conference on 20th October 2020. The paper was presented by Ivonne Andrea Mantilla González. details
5. February 2020 Tobias Luebkert passes doctoral examinationOn February, 5th 2020 Tobias Luebkert passed his final doctoral examination. In his dissertation "Load Shaping of Thermostatically Controllable Devices by constructing Retail Prices", Tobias Luebkert has developed a price-based Demand Response-mechanism for cost-optimizing thermostatically controlled loads, which includes an aggregated load profile approximating a target schedule. The chairwoman of the examination board, Prof. Schupp, as well as the reviewers Professor Becker and Professor Turau and all members of the Institute of Telematics congratulate Mr. Luebkert and wish him all the best for the future. details
6. May 2019 Florian Kauer passes doctoral examination with distinctionOn May, 6th 2019 Florian Kauer passed his final doctoral examination with distinction. The dissertation "Scalable Wireless Multi-Hop Networks for Industrial Applications" analyzes and develops techniques for time-slotted multi-hop communication with focus on IEEE 802.15.4 DSME. For future usage in research and real-world deployments, openDSME is developed as open-source implementation of DSME. In the context of his research, Mr. Kauer worked for the project AutoR. The chairman of the examination board, Prof. Bauch, as well as the reviewers Professor Zölzer and Professor Turau and all members of the Institute of Telematics congratulate Mr. Kauer and wish him all the best for the future. details
5. September 2017 Andreas Weigel passes doctoral examinationOn September, 5th 2017, Andreas Weigel successfully passed his final doctoral examination . The dissertation "Forwarding Strategies for 6LoWPAN-fragmented IPv6 Datagrams" explores the impact of 6LoWPAN fragmentation on the reliability of transmissions for the LLN-typical collection traffic pattern and implementation strategies to improve this reliability. In the context of his research, Mr. Weigel worked for the projects iEZMESH and AutoR. The chairman of the examination board, Prof. Falk, as well as the reviewers Professor Timm-Giel and Professor Turau and all members of the Institute of Telematics congratulate Mr. Weigel and wish him all the best for the future. details
30. June 2017 Gerry Siegemund passes doctoral examinationOn June, 30th 2017 Gerry Siegemund successfully passed his final doctoral examination . The dissertation "Self-stabilizing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Network Applications" focuses on the applicability of self-stabilizing algorithms in wireless sensor networks. It establishes the usability of the mentioned algorithm class and motivates, implements and evaluates novel algorithms. The chairman of the examination board, Prof. Werner as well as the reviewers Professor Nolte (BTU Cottbus) and Professor Turau and all members of the Institute of Telematics congratulate Mr. Siegemund and wish him all the best for the future. details
3. May 2017 Julian Ohrt passes doctoral examinationOn May, 3rd 2017, Julian Ohrt successfully passed his final doctoral examination . The dissertation "Seamless Integration of Location-Linked Services for Smartphones" deals with the development of a system called “Building-Linked, Expeditious Service System (BLESS)”. It offers services which are usable without installation via an app store. The chairman of the examination board, Prof. Schlaefer as well as the reviewers Professor Grigat and Professor Turau and all members of the Institute of Telematics congratulate Mr. Ohrt and wish him all the best for the future. details
15. March 2017 Research Assistants awarded with KuVS Communication Software AwardFlorian Kauer, Maximilian Köstler and Tobias Lübkert have been awarded the KuVS Communication Software Award during the NetSys 2017 in Göttingen.
The biennial award is endowed with 500€ and acknowledges the project "openDSME". The demonstrated implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 DSME data link layer prevailed against six other demonstrations.
to the award -
18. November 2016 Visiting scientist Dr. Nhat Vinh Vo at Telematics group for two and a half monthThe telematics group is happy to welcome the visiting scientist Dr. Nhat Vinh Vo for two and a half month. The computer scientist made his PhD in Tours (France). During his stay from November 2016 to January 2017 he is working on analytical demand response techniques to optimize the heating phases of domestic water heaters depending on the availability of electric power.
13. May 2016 Hans-Peter Paulsen to present student paper at IEEE Student Conference 2016 in MagdeburgPaulsen turned his Bachelor Thesis on Self-Stabilizing Virtual Rings into six pages of scientific paper. The IEEE Student Conference excepted 20 of presumably (because Paulsen's paper id is 69) over 70 Papers, among five other papers he will compete for one of three best paper awards. On June 16 he will present his work at the conference. Godspeed, Hans-Peter! details
15. March 2016 Travel grant awarded to Telematics research assistant Florian MeierFlorian Meier, research assistant of the Telematics Group, has been awarded a travel grant for attending the Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week) 2016. The conference will be held in Vienna in April 2016. details
2. November 2015 Visiting scientist Mohammed Haddad, Université Claude Bernard, LyonWe are happy to welcome Mr. Mohammed Haddad, Associate Professor at the Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, for his guest stay at our institute. From November 2nd until November 10th, Mr. Haddad and Prof. Turau are going to intensify their research activities in the field of fault-tolerant algorithms for wireless sensor networks. The collaboration is founded by the DAAD and the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MAEDI) and Education and Research (MENESR) within the project PROCOPE. details
1. April 2015 Holger Machens passes doctoral examinationHolger Machens passes his doctoral examination. Congratulations! details
28. July 2014 Helge Klimek passes doctoral examinationHelge Klimek passes his doctoral examination. Congratulations! details
2. July 2014 TUHH`s Karl H. Ditze Award 2014Christian Renner is this year’s awardee of the TUHH’s Karl H. Ditze award in the category of doctoral thesis. The prize is worth 2.000 Euros and was presented on July 2nd 2014 by Rüdiger Schramm, new chairman of the Karl H. Ditze foundation, in conjunction with the 15th awarding of the Karl H. Ditze prize at the TUHH. details
10. June 2014 Article about Project Closure Airport2030Article about Project Closure Airport2030 details
17. March 2014 Stefan Unterschütz passes doctoral examinationStefan Unterschütz passes his doctoral examination. Congratulations! details
11. February 2014 Start of the AutoR ProjectThe Institute of Telematics is part of the renewable energies project AutoR. details
7. October 2013 Sven Köhler passes doctoral examinationSven Köhler passes his doctoral examination. Congratulations! details
4. March 2013 Christian Renner passes doctoral examinationChristian Renner passes his doctoral examination. Congratulations! details
19. December 2012 Bernd Hauck passes doctoral examinationBernd Hauck passes his doctoral examination. Congratulations! details
13. June 2012 Best Student Paper Award at INSSChristian Renner, Florian Meier and Volker Turau received the Best Student Paper Award at the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS'12). details
11. June 2012 EnHaNSS 2012: Workshop on Energy-Harvesting Networked Sensor SystemsThe Institute for Telematics organizes the International Workshop on Algorithms and Concepts for Networked Sensing Systems Powered by Energy Harvesters (EnHaNSS 2012) in conjunction with the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS 2012) in Antwerp, Belgium. Detailed workshop informationen and the call for papers can be found on the workshop webpage. details
9. January 2012 SES-Board on videoA self-produced video shows planning, production and use of the SES board. details
2. December 2011 Petersen-Award for Florian MeierFlorian Meier was awarded the 2011 Petersen-Award (2nd place) for his outstanding Bachelor thesis. details
27. November 2011 TUHH Students at ACM Programming ContestTUHH has sent two student teams to compete in the programming contest ACM NWERC 2010. Get the details
26. October 2011 Artikel im Hamburger Abendblatt: Mit dem Navi schneller in den Flieger
Am 25.10.2011 berichtete das Hamburger Abendblatt über die Forschungstätigkeiten des Instituts für Telematik im Rahmen des Verbundprojekts Airport2030. In dem vom Institut bearbeiteten Teilprojekt werden Möglichkeiten zur Komfort- und Effizienzsteigerung der Passagierprozesse im Flughafenterminal untersucht.
"An der Technischen Universität in Harburg (TUHH) entwickeln Forscher um Prof. Turau vom Institut für Telematik ein mobiles Gerät, das Passagieren künftig die Orientierung erleichtern soll - vom Einchecken bis zum Betreten der Maschine."
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23. September 2011 Arne Bosien passes doctoral examinationArne Bosien passes his doctoral examination. Congratulations! details
13. July 2011 Hamburg Collegiate Programming Contest 2011 at TUHHThe 2nd Hamburg Collegiate Programming Contest was held on July 13th 2011 at Hamburg University of Technology. The contest was organized by the Institute of Telematics. details
18. May 2011 Zweiter VDI-Preis 2011 für Stefan UnterschützStefan Unterschütz hat den mit 1000 Euro dotierten zweiten VDI-Preis 2011 erhalten. Die Auszeichnung wurde ihm am 17. Mai 2011 überreicht. Der VDI-Preis wird jährlich vom Hamburger Bezirksverein e.V. im Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) für hervorragende Diplomarbeiten vergeben. details
26. November 2010 State Secretary examines digital boarding assistanceOn the 26th of November the State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Cornelia Quennet-Thielen, informed herself about the digital boarding assistance of the TUHH’s Institute of Telematics on the “marketplace of innovations” of Hamburg’s aviation cluster. The staff members Björn Greßmann and Helge Klimek showed their innovative, wireless prototype, which allows notifying passengers and enables them to query information. This was illustrated by informing passengers about a gate change and by querying data about the flight destination. As a regular airline passenger, Quennet-Thielen showed great interest and immediately understood the resulting advantages for passengers and the airport. details
22. November 2010 TUHH Students at ACM Programming ContestTUHH has sent two student teams to compete in the programming contest ACM NWERC 2010. Get the details
16. September 2010 Institute of Telematics wins FGSN Challenge CupThe cup has been brought to Hamburg for the very first time. details
7. July 2010 Hamburg Collegiate Programming Contest @ TUHHOn 7th July 2010, the Hamburg Collegiate Programming Contest will be held for the first time. Information on Problems, Registration and Programme are now available. details
21. May 2010 IEEE Student Conference: Best Paper AwardThe second IEEE Student Conference, organized by the IEEE Student Branch at Hamburg University of Technology, produced a pleasant success for the Institute of Telematics: The student Sebastian Ernst won the € 500 endowed Best Paper Award! details
20. May 2010 Travel grant awarded to Telematics research assistant Sven KöhlerSven Köhler, research assistant of the Telematics Group, has been arwarded a travel grant for attending the 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). The conference will be held in the Italian city of Genua in June 2010.
7. May 2010 Travel grant awarded to Telematics research assistant Holger MachensHolger Machens, research assistant of the Telematics Group, has been arwarded a travel grant for attending the 22nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA). This symposium will be held in June 2010 on Santorini Island, Greece.
12. February 2010 WFF Fahrzeug-Managementsystem kommt gut anAm 11. Februar 2010 hat das WFF-Konsortium sein Fahrzeug-Managementsystem am Flughafen Hamburg öffentlich demonstriert. Der Forschungsprototyp wurde von verschiedenen Seiten sehr gelobt. Bernhard Elbing vom Projektträger Luftfahrtforschung und technologie hob bereits am Vortag die Praxisnähe und das große Verwertungspotential im Rahmen eines Projektreviews hervor. Die Geschäftsführung des Flughafens erkundigte sich umgehend über den Zeitrahmen einer möglichen Umsetzung eines solchen Systems in den operationellen Einsatz. details
27. January 2010 Präsentation des Instituts für Telematik bei der Nortec 2010Students present current research projects of the Telematics Institute at the local Nortec exhibition. details
8. November 2009 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 2009The Institute of Telematics supports students' participation in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 2009. details
30. October 2009 Newspaper Article: "Sensoren lernen Daten senden"The local newspaper "Harburger Anzeigen und Nachrichten" reports about current research at the Institut of Telematics. details
26. August 2009 Artikel im Hamburger AbendblattReport about CO2 monitoring using sensor networks. details
13. August 2009 Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze"Das diesjährige 8. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze" findet am 13.-14. August an der Technischen Universität statt. details
9. March 2009 Kick-Off Meeting for Airport2030The Kick-Off meeting for the project Airport 2030 was held on March 9, 2009 at TUHH. More than 10 partners for industry and academia participate in this project that will develop concepts for future airports. details
28. October 2008 Diplompreis der Stiftung zur Förderung der TUHHDer Diplompreis der Stiftung zur Förderung der TUHH wurde 2008 an den Diplom-Ingenieur Christian Renner, der seine Arbeit am Institut für Telematik geschrieben hat und seit Juli 2008 hier promoviert, verliehen. details