In the last few years, members of the Institute of Telematics and supervised students received awards for their research and educational activities:
Combinatorial Reconfiguration Challenge 2022 Tohoku University und Kobe University
awarded to Volker Turau and Christoph Weyer for their contribution to the Combinatorial Reconfiguration Challenge 2022 -
Best Paper Award AdHocNow2020
awarded to Florian Meyer, Ivonne Andrea Mantilla González and Volker Turau for their conference paper «New CAP Reduction Mechanisms for IEEE 802.15.4 DSME to Support Fluctuating Traffic in IoT Systems». -
KuVS Communication Software Award 2017 Group for Communication and Distributed Systems
awarded to Florian Kauer, Maximilian Köstler and Tobias Lübkert for their demonstration at the NetSys 2017. -
Karl H. Ditze Award 2014 Karl H. Ditze Foundation
awarded to Christian Renner for his outstanding doctoral thesis. -
Best Student Paper Award IEEE International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems 2012 (INSS'12)
awarded to Christian Renner, Florian Meier, and Volker Turau for their conference paper «Holistic Online Energy Assessment: Feasibility and Practical Application». -
Petersen-Award 2011 of the Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen-Foundation
awarded to Florian Meier for his outstanding and practical Bachelor thesis. -
Teaching Award 2011 of the Ministry of Science and Research
awarded to Prof. Dr. Volker Turau for outstanding and innovative teaching. -
VDI-Award 2011 of the Hamburg regional division of the Association of German Engineers
awarded to Stefan Unterschütz for his diploma thesis «Model for Fault Injection for the Simulation of Self-Stabilizing Algorithms». -
Best Paper Award IEEE Student Conference 2010
for Sebastian Ernst, student at the Institute of Telematics, with his paper «Holistic Packet Statistics for Neighborhood Management in Sensor Networks» -
Diploma Award 2008 of the Support Association of Hamburg University of Technology
awarded to Christian Renner for an oustanding thesis, course achievements, and non-academic commitment. -
Best Paper Award International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC'06)
verliehen an Matthias Witt für seinen Konferenz-Beitrag «The Impact of Location Errors on Geographic Routing in Sensor Networks».