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Volker Turau

Foto von Volker Turau
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Volker Turau
Raum 4.088, Gebäude E
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg
Telefon040 42878 - 3530

Seit Oktober 2002 bin ich Professor an der Technischen Universität Hamburg.

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Algorithmische Graphentheorie - 5., erweiterte und überarbeitete Auflage
De Gruyter Studium, 2024, ISBN 978-3-111-35295-4


Meine Erdős-Zahl ist 3.


Shashini Thamarasie Wanniarachchi und Volker Turau. Dynamic Resource Allocation for 5G Device-to-Device Communication Based on Expected SARSA. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on NETworked sYStems (NETYS 2024), Mai 2024. Rabat, Morocco.
@InProceedings{Telematik_NETYS_2024, author = {Shashini Thamarasie Wanniarachchi and Volker Turau}, title = {Dynamic Resource Allocation for 5G Device-to-Device Communication Based on Expected SARSA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on NETworked sYStems (NETYS 2024)}, day = {29-31}, month = may, year = 2024, location = {Rabat, Morocco}, }
Volker Turau und Christoph Weyer. Algorithmische Graphentheorie. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 5th edition, August 2024.
@Book{Telematik_Turau_2024_AGT, author = {Volker Turau and Christoph Weyer}, title = {Algorithmische Graphentheorie}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, edition = {5th}, month = aug, year = 2024, isbn = {978-3-111-35295-4}, }
Volker Turau. Counting Fixed Points and Pure 2-Cycles of Tree Cellular Automata. In Proceedings of 16th Latin American Symposium of Theoretical Informatics, IEEE, März 2024, pp. 241–256. Puerto Varas, Chile.
@InProceedings{Telematik_LATIN_2024, author = {Volker Turau}, title = {Counting Fixed Points and Pure 2-Cycles of Tree Cellular Automata}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 16th Latin American Symposium of Theoretical Informatics}, pages = {241-256}, publisher = {IEEE}, day = {18-22}, month = mar, year = 2024, location = {Puerto Varas, Chile}, }
Abstract: Cellular automata are synchronous discrete dynamical systems used to describe complex dynamic behaviors. The dynamic is based on local interactions between the components, these are defined by a finite graph with an initial node coloring with two colors. In each step, all nodes change their current color synchronously to the least/most frequent color in their neighborhood and in case of a tie, keep their current color. After a finite number of rounds these systems either reach a fixed point or enter a 2-cycle. The problem of counting the number of fixed points for cellular automata is #P-complete. In this paper we consider cellular automata defined by a tree. We propose an algorithm with run-time to count the number of fixed points, here is the maximal degree of the tree. We also prove upper and lower bounds for the number of fixed points. Furthermore, we obtain corresponding results for pure cycles, i.e., instances where each node changes its color in every round. We provide examples demonstrating that the bounds are sharp.

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