Ph.D. Students
Current Ph.D. Students
Former Ph.D. Students
Tobias Lübkert (2020) -
Load Shaping of Thermostatically Controllable Devices by constructing Retail Prices
Florian Kauer (2019) -
Scalable Wireless Multi-Hop Networks for Industrial Applications
Andreas Weigel (2017) -
Forwarding Strategies for 6LoWPAN-Fragmented IPv6 Datagrams
Gerry Siegemund (2017) -
Self-Stabilizing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
Julian Ohrt (2017) -
Seamless Integration of Location-Linked Services for Smartphones
Holger Machens (2015) -
Concurrent Programming on Multi- and Many-Core Architechtures
Helge Klimek (2014) -
Network Congestion for location-based services in wireless infrastructure networks in buildings
Stefan Unterschütz (2014) -
Methodologies and Protocols for Wireless Communication in Large-Scale, Dense, and Homogeneous Deployed Networks
Sven Köhler (2014) -
Scalable Fault-Containing Self-Stabilization in Dynamic Networks
Bernd-Christian Renner (2013) -
Sustained Operation of Sensor Nodes with Energy Harvesters and Supercapacitors
Bernd Hauck (2012) -
Time- and Space-Efficient Self-Stabilizing Algorithms
Arne Bosien (2012) -
RFID-Based Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles
Matthias Witt (2008) -
Robust and Low-Communication Geographic Routing for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Dietrich Fahrenholtz (2008) -
A Hypercube-based Peer-to-Peer Data Store Resilient against Peer Population Fluctuation