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Christoph Weyer

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Christoph Weyer
Raum 4.085, Gebäude E
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg
Telefon040 42878 - 3746



Volker Turau und Christoph Weyer. Algorithmische Graphentheorie. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 5th edition, August 2024.
@Book{Telematik_Turau_2024_AGT, author = {Volker Turau and Christoph Weyer}, title = {Algorithmische Graphentheorie}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, edition = {5th}, month = aug, year = 2024, isbn = {978-3-111-35295-4}, }
Volker Turau und Christoph Weyer. Sharp Upper Bounds for Reconfiguration Sequences of Independent Sets in Trees. In Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration, affiliated with "The 49th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2022)", Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Juli 2022. Paris, France - Hybrid Conference.
@InProceedings{Telematik_icalp_2022, author = {Volker Turau and Christoph Weyer}, title = {Sharp Upper Bounds for Reconfiguration Sequences of Independent Sets in Trees}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration, affiliated with "The 49th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2022)"}, pages = , publisher = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics}, day = {4}, month = jul, year = 2022, location = {Paris, France - Hybrid Conference}, }
Volker Turau und Christoph Weyer. Cascading failures in complex networks caused by overload attacks. Journal of Heuristics, 25:1–23, Mai 2019.
@Article{Telematik_Heuristics_2019, author = {Volker Turau and Christoph Weyer}, title = {Cascading failures in complex networks caused by overload attacks}, pages = {1-23}, journal = {Journal of Heuristics}, volume = {25}, number = {}, day = {2}, month = may, year = 2019, }
Abstract: Complex networks are known to be vulnerable to the failure of components in terms of structural robustness. An as yet less researched topic is dynamical robustness, which refers to the ability of a network to maintain its dynamical activity against local disturbances. This paper introduces a new type of attack—the overload attack—to disturb the network’s dynamical activity. The attack is based on the load redistribution model for sequential attacks. The main contribution are heuristics to assess the vulnerability of complex networks with respect to this type of attack. The effectiveness of the heuristics is demonstrated with an application for real power networks.

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