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Project Work

Entwurf eines Hardwareadapters zur Strommessung von drahtlosen Sensorknoten

The goal of this thesis is to develop a prototypical controller for performing precisely timed energy consumption measurements. The hardware should be based on the experimental platform ATEVK1100. Each controller is responsible for one sensor node in the deployment. The sensor node is powered by the controller in order to simulate different energy situations (e.g., powered by battery or solar-cell). The energy consumption must be measured precisely at different scales. In sleep-mode a sensor node consumes only 10uA, communication consumes up to 20mA. In order to correlate the energy consumption over time with parts of the running program, an appropriate interface between the sensor node and the controller must be developed. I/O ports should be used for indicating which program part is currently executed. The so gathered information is send via IP packets to a central server. The milestones of this work are as follows:

Start date 14. January 2009
End date 14. April 2009
Projects EBS | SensorNet
Supervisor Christoph Weyer