Maximilian Köstler

Maximilian Köstler
- openDSME - Open-Source Implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 DSME Link Layer
Florian Kauer, Maximilian Köstler and Turau Volker. openDSME: Reliable Time-Slotted Multi-Hop Communication for IEEE 802.15.4. Recent Advances in Network Simulation, 451–467, May 2019.
author = {Florian Kauer and Maximilian K{\"o}stler and Turau Volker},
title = {openDSME: Reliable Time-Slotted Multi-Hop Communication for IEEE 802.15.4},
pages = {451-467},
journal = {Recent Advances in Network Simulation},
publisher = {Springer},
month = may,
year = 2019,
Using wireless sensor and actuator networks in industrial applications promises timely and fine-grained feedback and control of plants. However, these applications call for very high reliability that cannot be fulfilled with contention-based medium access. Therefore, the IEEE 802.15.4 standard was extended with multiple time-slotted as well as frequency-agile medium access techniques. The Deterministic and Synchronous Multi-Channel Extension (DSME) is of particular interest due to its extensive set of standardized methods for distributed slot management. This chapter presents openDSME, a comprehensive implementation of DSME to be used in the OMNeT++ simulator as well as on real-life wireless sensor nodes. The main features of DSME are presented, together with implementation details of openDSME. The chapter concludes with a step-by-step tutorial to get started with openDSME.
Janina Hellwege, Maximilian Köstler and Florian Kauer. Live Monitoring and Remote Control of OMNeT++ Simulations. Recent Advances in Network Simulation, 301–316, May 2019.
author = {Janina Hellwege and Maximilian K{\"o}stler and Florian Kauer},
title = {Live Monitoring and Remote Control of OMNeT++ Simulations},
pages = {301-316},
journal = {Recent Advances in Network Simulation},
publisher = {Springer},
month = may,
year = 2019,
Using event-based simulations is an excellent method for demonstrating and learning the functionality of computer networks. OMNeT++ provides many features for building and analyzing networks and is widely used in research and teaching. It is, however, difficult to influence a running simulation and the interfaces are more optimized for in-depth analyses so it is easy to get distracted from the main point of interest. This motivation led to the development of a remote interface for the OMNeT++ simulator that facilitates live modifications of parameters as well as monitoring of events. It is based on web technologies and allows for convenient creation of customized interactive interfaces for conferences, fairs, or teaching environments.
Florian Kauer, Maximilian Köstler and Volker Turau. Reliable Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Decentralized Slot Management: An Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 DSME. Technical Report Report arXiv:1806.10521, arXiv.org e-Print Archive - Computing Research Repository (CoRR), Cornell University, August 2018.
author = {Florian Kauer and Maximilian K{\"o}stler and Volker Turau},
title = {Reliable Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Decentralized Slot Management: An Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 DSME},
number = {Report arXiv:1806.10521},
institution = {arXiv.org e-Print Archive - Computing Research Repository (CoRR)},
address = {Cornell University},
month = aug,
year = 2018,
Wireless communication is a key element in the realization of the Industrial Internet of Things for flexible and cost-efficient monitoring and control of industrial processes. Wireless mesh networks using IEEE 802.15.4 have a high potential for executing monitoring and control tasks with low energy consumption and low costs for deployment and maintenance. However, conventional medium access techniques based on carrier sensing cannot provide the required reliability for industrial applications. Therefore, the standard was extended with techniques for time-slotted medium access on multiple channels. In this paper, we present openDSME, a comprehensive implementation of the Deterministic and Synchronous Multi-channel Extension (DSME) and propose a method for traffic-aware and decentralized slot scheduling to enable scalable wireless industrial networks. The performance of DSME and our implementation is demonstrated in the OMNeT++ simulator and on a physically deployed wireless network in the FIT/IoT-LAB. It is shown that in the given scenarios, twice as much traffic can be delivered reliably by using DSME instead of CSMA/CA and that the energy consumption can be reduced significantly. The paper is completed by presenting important trade-offs for parameter selection and by uncovering open issues of the current specification that call for further effort in research and standardization.
The complete list of publications is available separately.