Digital Boarding Assistance (Digitale Boarding-Unterstützung)
Project Description
Project DiBUS (Digitale Boarding-Unterstützung, digital boarding assistance) is part of Effizienter Flughafen 2030 (Efficient Airport 2030). Like in project Airport2030, the Institute of Telematics investigates how passenger processes in airport terminals can be optimized using information technology. Research is based on the fact that more and more passengers own smartphones whose features and functionalities can be used to optimize passenger processes at airports.
Similar to the DigiBA of project Airport2030 the DiBUS system allows to send and receive messages containing personal, relevant information, e.g. flight schedule changes or the remaining time until the boarding. Further we investigate how smartphones can be connected to the infrastructure developed in Airport2030 which allows localization. Afterwards location based services (LBS) like indoor navigation are researched, for example for guiding passengers to their departure gate or for showing external employees the way to their job sites.
Project homepage: http://www.airport2030.de/
Julian Ohrt and
Volker Turau. Simple Indoor Routing on SVG Maps. In
Proceedings of the workshop Location-based services for Indoor Smart Environments (LISE'13) hosted at the 4th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN'13), October 2013. Montbéliard, France.
author = {Julian Ohrt and Volker Turau},
title = {Simple Indoor Routing on SVG Maps},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the workshop Location-based services for Indoor Smart Environments (LISE'13) hosted at the 4th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN'13)},
day = {28},
month = oct,
year = 2013,
location = {Montbéliard, France},
Until now no general applicable technology for indoor localization has prevailed. As a result, there are many approaches to model buildings for indoor navigation being developed. Most of them are very expensive to apply. This work presents a tool for graphically adding navigational data to existing maps. It further demonstrates how to use the created map for routing as pure web application which can be combined with any positioning technology. As SVG is used as format for the map, it analyses performance of rendering and manipulating SVGs on different devices. We show that even large maps can be displayed on current mobile Android devices sufficiently fast for usage as indoor navigation application.