You can find up-to-date examination dates on the pages of the Examination Office.
Courses in the Current Semester
- None.
Other Courses
- Algorithmische Graphentheorie (Seminar EIM: AGT)
- Container-Virtualisierung unter Linux (Seminar EIM: CVL)
- Distributed Algorithms (DistAlgos)
- Distributed Systems (VS)
- Effiziente Algorithmen für Software-Defined Radio Anwendungen (Seminar EIM: EASDRA)
- Informatics for Process Engineers (INF)
- Intelligente Stromnetze: Kommunikation, Regelung, Sicherheit und Privatsphäre (Seminar EIM: InSt)
- Operating Systems (BS)
- Randomised Algorithms and Random Graphs (Random)
- Software for Embedded Systems (SES)