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Bachelor and Master's Theses

Theses in the Institute of Telematics

If you are interested in writing your bachelor or master's thesis at the Institute of Telematics, feel free to contact our staff. We permanently offer a list of currently open theses. We are also open for students' thesis suggestion, if they suit the field of work of our institute. To get an impression, we recommend you to have a look at current theses and our list of past theses.

Thesis Meeting

We hold biweekly thesis-meetings with students working on bachelor's or master thesis supervised by Telematik staff. We expect the meetings to be an informal, yet interactive forum where students present their current work (done-so-far/yet-to-be-done), exchange ideas, report problems, talk to one another, ask questions, and so on. Therefore, we encourage students to attend every meeting. We also like one or two students to give a brief presentation of their work at every meeting.