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Florian Meyer passes doctoral examination

Florian Meyer On December, 20th 2022, Florian Meyer successfully completed his final doctoral examination. In his dissertation "Adaptive Multi-hop networks for industrial applications with dynamically changing traffic", Mr. Meyer analyzes techniques for adaptive multi-hop networks in the IIoT with respect to time-varying and dynamically changing traffic. He proposes several new techniques to increase adaptability for the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer. The results are validated through simulations, hardware experiments, and analytical models. Florian Meyer applied novel methods such as machine learning and quantum annealing to the field of wireless communication. The chairman of the examination board, Prof. Kölpin, as well as the reviewers Professor Timm-Giel and Professor Turau and all members of the Institute of Telematics congratulate Mr. Meyer and wish him all the best for his professional career.