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On this page we provide information on how to find us, whether you travel by airplane, train, car or public transportation. Additionally, we have prepared a map to give an overview on where our university and institute are situated.


Arriving by plane on the Hamburg Airport, there are different ways to get to us:


Public Transportation

The easiest way to find us using public transportation is as follows:

  1. From Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) take line S3 or S31, heading Harburg, Neugraben, Buxtehude or Stade.
  2. Change at Harburg Rathaus to bus line 142, heading AK Harburg (Heimfeld).
  3. Leave the bus at the next station Kasernenstraße and take a 5 minute walk to our offices.

Additional information:

HVV Tickets have to be bought at ticket machines in the stations or directly from the bus driver. There are no ticket-cancelling machines, as tickets are always valid upon their creation. The HVV also provides a timetable information to find the best route to us.


Calculate a detailed journey description using Google Maps.